The spectacle of the desolation of our environment is now free and permanent, with ourselves as actors! The populations have difficulty in managing the quantities of waste that they produce themselves. The images (see photo above) of this kind are familiar to us and it is very sad! However, simple solutions exist and can help us to clean up our environment:
Legislate. Côte d’Ivoire has decided since 2014 to ban the production, import, marketing, possession and use of plastic bags throughout the national territory by Decree 2013-327 of 22 May 2013, effective since 08 November 2014! It may be time to enforce this decree!
Raising awareness. The local authorities should effectively focus on raising awareness among the population, which unfortunately has not yet grasped the real issues of a healthy environment!
Enhance. Simple techniques to recover all types of waste (plastics, cardboard, glass bottles, organic waste…) exist and should help to clean up our cities. EXPADD is at the disposal of the territories to accompany them.
Dr Christophe GBOSSOU
EXPADD coordinator
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