(Illustration: Les Echos)
In Africa, the mining sector is often considered to be a bad pupil when it comes to sustainability, due to its environmental consequences, notably the contamination of waterways and the post-activity unexploitation of land. However, as the effects of global warming become more acute, mining companies are increasingly taking environmental issues into account.
To support these African mining companies, EXPADD (Expertise Développement Durable) will be offering them a series of pragmatic, high-level training courses over the coming months (probably from the first quarter of 2024), enabling them to effectively reduce their (negative) impact. These are mainly:
1. Sustainable environmental site management (mining) |
2. Mine safety |
3. Treatment of contaminated mining water |
4. Environmental characterization of mine wastes and ores |
5. Fine tailings management |
6. Rehabilitation and revegetation of mining sites |
7. Mineral processing: challenges and opportunities |
The training courses will be given by international and national experts.
Dr Christophe GBOSSOU
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