In the current global context of the fight against the effects of global warming, the concept of sustainable development is asserting itself as one of the main levers for action. Indeed, to fight against this phenomenon, the main lever of action is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and in particular carbon dioxide. This objective often also includes optimal management of natural resources, a circular economy and the practice of CSR, all of which contribute to sustainable development.
In order to contribute to this fight against the effects of global warming, EXPADD will propose a first series of training courses to professionals from companies, territories and civil society, around eight (8) main themes:
- Carbon footprint
- Circular economy
- Sustainable finance and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
- ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment)
- Agenda 21
- Climate change and sustainable development
- Sustainable management of natural resources
- Agroforestry, agroecology and agricultural financing mechanisms
In addition to these themes, EXPADD will offer the various structures à la carte training based on their specificities.
Oziger fart
Communication Manager
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